Creating Beautiful Public Spaces

Piedmont Beautification Foundation (PBF) has worked since 1964, in partnership with the City of Piedmont, to create beautiful public spaces that foster a strong sense of pride and community.  In addition to its many valuable contributions to parks, tot lots, schools and recreational facilities, PBF also brings the community together to celebrate the Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony every December. This year’s event takes place on December 6th.

The inspiration for the organization came from the leadership of the Piedmont Garden Club (PGC), which continues to nominate the slate of PBF officers. The PBF officers are joined by the city trustees, including the Mayor, Vice-Mayor and the Chair of the Park Commission, and provide the voting leadership for PBF. Advisors, appointed by the PBF President from the community at large, provide advice and counsel on projects and programs.  Click here for a list of current PBF Trustees and Advisors.

Spring Campaign

Each spring, the foundation publishes the Spring Newsletter highlighting the current improvement projects.

PBF has a long history of supporting citizen efforts to beautify our community. Every year PBF considers projects that will provide the highest benefit to our community and their financial commitment.

If you would like to recommend a project, we invite you to send your comments and suggestions to PBF in care of City Hall.

Holiday Tree Lighting

Every year the Piedmont Beautification Foundation kicks off the Holiday Season with the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony.

PBF hosts this community celebration the first Wednesday of December at 7:00 pm. at the Community Hall.

PBF maintains, installs and removes the colorful LED lights each year. PBF announces the Tree Lighting Ceremony with its Holiday Mailing, which also offers community members the opportunity of donating to the Holiday Tree Lighting Fund as a way of extending holiday wishes to their friends and neighbors.


through improvement of public facilities and green spaces

“The Piedmont Beautification Foundation is at the heart of what makes Piedmont look like Piedmont.  Through generous donations, PBF works in partnership with the city to make our public spaces safer, more environmentally responsible and glorious.”

— Teddy Gray King, Mayor of Piedmont